Sunday, September 16, 2012

E-Day Part 2: They're comingg..


As promised before, insyaAllah saya akan share sikit demi sikit perjalanan majlis hari tuh. But satu entry tak mampu nak masukkan semua, so I might split into two or three entries okay..

On the 26th of August 2012, alhamdulillah the weather was good to welcome his families for our Engagement Day. Actually I was quite worried sebab few days before asyik hujan jer. Then the setting semua dah laa all white, kalau hujan sure habis laa kotor and comot pulak. But syukur, doa dimakbulkan Allah cuaca sunny and windy jer all day. Malam tu baru laa hujan.

Spot the handsome guy in gold baju Melayu? Hehe my ayah laa..

Okayh, here goes some of the pictures. Hope they're enough to explain the plot of the day cause I'm gonna minimize the captions :)

Ohh yer.. These are all taken in my room, before his families arrival.

Finally, it's the day! Rasa macam tak percaya, dah nak jadi tunangan orang :')

Why so serious? Hee.. Touch up selendang dah senget..

Cousins, my bestie and kawan ibu punya anak..

Nampak muka macam steady, dalam hati hanya Allah yang tahu..

Situasi sebenar... Tangan tuu sejuk tak terkata..

 Hanisah (my bestie), my cousins (Kak Didie and Amie). 

Thank you so much for comingg, for being by my side.. 

Bantal tuh present from my cousin, Amie. Thank you dearie..
Dah jadi one of my bantal peluk. Hee!~

Mak Tok sayangg..

And then, jeng jeng jeng.. My cousins berlari-lari naik atas to inform, "Kak Yna.. Diorang dah sampai...."

Total ada around eight to nine cars.. Wuuhuu ada his relatives yang tak pernah jumpa lagi from Perak.. Extra-Nervous...

Dia kata dia nervous, macam dia jer yang nak kena sarung cincin kann :D

Mak and bapak soon to be, insyaAllah :)

Okayh, dah sampai depan pintu gate.

Till then, to be continued..

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