How's your day? Alhamdulillah, I am just fine living life on the best way that I could. Thanks to Allah for everything.
Last week on the 7th and 8th of June was quite a busy week.
MUAR-PG-MUAR-KL-PG (pengsan! Luckily dah standby ESP + Performance Drink for energy)
7th June- My cousin's solemnization and reception. Barakallah and congratulations to Kak Didi and her hubby Faiz. May Allah bless your marriage and may your love will last till Jannah. Aminn.
The decorations were so beautiful and the food was good as well. How I missed the gear box with nasi minyak. Superb and delicious!
And this was last Sunday, reception on the groom's side so called as Majlis Bertandang or Majlis Sambut Menantu. Now both of them tengah honeymoon at Bali. Looking forward for Didi and Faiz junior soon, insyaAllah ;)
On the 8th of June, my hubby accompanied me to Shaklee's National Conference at Sunway. Received awards and had dinner on the Sunday night. Alhamdulillah, currently loving my new career as a WAH (Wife At Home). Teehee! But hey, I am a career housewife by the way :)
Never that I thought I could reach this far with Shaklee, more to come insyaAllah. To be success, all starts with 'Niat'. I always wish that I could help my family and my dear hubby. "Money is not everything".. Ya right but now "Everything needs money" :)
For those who still wonder, yes this is my current job. I am focusing 100% with Shaklee business. I restock the supplements (sometimes I will go to the branch in JB or just order through online will do) and then start writing the Poslaju note before doing the packing. My hubby or my lil brother will help to send the parcels to Poslaju. Tiring sometimes especially when it comes to the time to write more notes. Haha but that means a good business of course. Alhamdulillah, thanks to all my customers who had choose and trust me as a Shaklee Independent Distributor. I am truly honored and thankful :')
If you are interested to be a part of my Shaklee team members, here are some of the numbers that I would recommend you to contact. They are all my Shaklee babies and they are some of the best ones :)
Ainur Farahin 017-7834189
Siti Najaha 019-7000254
Aliza 012-7852053
Liyana 017-3743670
Fatin Nazihah 014-9194898
And if you're a still a student I would recommend you to contact below person. She's 19 but now she had earn 4 figures income with Shaklee. Perhaps you may ask her for the tips to manage your time as a student.
Anis Athirah 017-6695032
Till then. Have a bless day ahead lovelies.
Assalamualaikum and take care.
P/S: For Shaklee's order you may email to me directly at or add me at WeChat my id is lyanahisham. Saya peramah and tak makan orang :)

2 feedback(s):
Comelnya die...
Nice info lyana!