Semua terasa bagaikan mimpi. Baru seketika diri ini merasa kebahagiaan berumahtangga, ditambah dengan berita penyeri dan peneman dalam diri..
"Baby awak dah tak ada.. Mengikut apa yang saya scan ini, degupan jantung baby dah tak ada.."
Ya Allah..
Andai ini ujian dari Mu, aku terima dan aku redha ya Allah.
"Kadang-kadang Allah hilangkan matahari. Kemudian Allah turunkan hujan.. Puas kita mencari ke mana hilangnya matahari.. Rupa-rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi."
Sedikit nasihat daripada saya untuk ibu atau bakal ibu di luar sana, di awal kehamilan sememangnya kena lebih berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga, pemakanan juga penting even tak boleh makan cuba cari alternative lain contoh macam vitamins dari doctor (yang nih doctor bagi tapi saya admit saya selalu ter skip makan), tak boleh penat sangat, tak boleh stress dengan kerja atau apa jua masalah, tak boleh buat kerja berat, angkat benda berat, kalau keluar tanda yang pelik macam colour brownish ke cepat-cepat pergi check dengan doctor seeloknya specialist sebab mereka nih lebih pakar dan jangan sesekali ambil mudah perkara nih.
Keguguran juga perlu berpantang, cuma kalau bawah empat bulan pantang dalam two weeks tapi bagi rahim rehat sebulan sebelum plan untuk mengandung lagi. Dari segi pemakanan, kena elakkan makanan berangin, seperti ubi keladi, rebung, sayur keladi, pucuk paku, pucuk ubi, serta terung. Selain itu tak boleh makan makanan yang sejuk serta menjalar seperti labu, kangkung, kacang panjang, timun, dan buah-buahan yang sejuk seperti ciku, betik, langsat, duku, macang, kuini, nangka, cempedak, pisang masak hijau, durian belanda dan tembikai madu. Turut ditegah ialah ikan yang berbisa seperti ikan berduri, terubuk, bawal hitam, tudung periuk, cencaru, tamban, sardin, pari dan makanan laut seperti udang, sotong, kerang, belacan, budu, cencaluk dan ikan masin.
Other pantang mandi tak boleh lama-lama, kena pakai socks and jangan banyak jalan. Sebabnya dekat dalam tu masih luka lagi, luaran jer nampak macam okay. Jalan banyak-banyak nanti sakit pinggang rasa macam nak putus urat! In case dah tersakit pinggang, boleh sapu minyak angin.
Nak share a story for those yang feeling down after miscarriage. Always remember that Allah knows best.. Ini my cousin yang share at my timeline on my facebook:
"I am strong because on October 15th, 2010 at 37 weeks pregnant we walked into our OB office and found out our son Tiberius had passed away.
I am strong because I laboured for 12 beautiful hours and gave birth to my stillborn son in a silent room.
I am strong because on October 22nd 2010, my husband and I buried our first child.
I am strong because 12 weeks after we buried our first son we found out we were expecting again.
I am strong because on May 2nd, 2011, at 18 weeks pregnant, we found out our second son Jacob would not be coming home with us, he was given a fatal diagnosis.
I am strong because despite having a fatal diagnosis we chose to carry Jacob and do everything we possibly could.
I am strong because during the next 18 weeks Jacob's diagnosis changed into something no medical doctor had ever seen before and his prognosis became unknown.
I am strong because on September 5th, 2011, our son Jacob was born via c-section. He cried even though we were told he would not.
I am strong because for the next 2 1/2 days Jacob fought so hard to stay with us and we fought so hard to keep him comfortable and did everything we could.
I am strong because at 7:45pm on September 7th, we had to make a decision no parent should ever have to make, we pulled his life support and Jacob peacefully passed away.
I am strong because on September 14th, 2011 we buried our second child.
I am strong because 9 months after we buried Jacob we decided to try once more.
I am strong because we became pregnant with what we hoped would truly be our rainbow babe.
I am strong because at 18 weeks we found out we were having a healthy little girl.
I am strong because I carried her for 36 1/2 weeks all along knowing we could lose her too.
I am strong because on January 8th, 2013, I was induced and we were on the way to meeting our miracle babe.
I am strong because after 16 rough hours of vbac labour, our miracle baby, Phoebe Faith, was born. Crying, screaming, healthy and alive.
I am strong because even though I only parent one child, I am a mother of three.
I am strong because I have carried 3 children full term but two already reside in Heaven.
I am strong because I chose to cling onto hope and faith when everything else was against us.
I am strong because parenting a rainbow baby is a challenging time in life.
I am strong because I now live with PTSD and fight with it on a daily basis. But I REFUSE to let it define who I am.
I am strong because my hopes and dreams have been shattered but I chose to hold on and now have a beautiful little girl who is the light of my life.
I am strong because I am sharing my video about my journey with you:
Please know my video does contain pictures of my boys after they have passed. If this is too much for you, please do not watch.
Mamas who have endured loss, don't ever give up. Your rainbow could be one more rainy day away.
*Update: I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and everyone one of you who have made my story go viral. It was my hope to give a few people some faith, hope, courage and strength but to see where it has gone leaves me speechless and humbled. I will take my time to read through each comment and message I have been sent.
To all the other baby loss mamas out there, you are all strong, we are warriors of angels."
For any orders or inquiries, boleh email to or wechat saya lyanahisham.
Sekarang tengah 2 weeks medical leave. But I do accept orders no worries. Untuk yang sentiasa mendoakan, thank you so much. Moga Allah merahmati kehidupan kalian dunia akhirat.
Till then, have a nice day ahead.

23 feedback(s):
ya allah lyana.... betul ke ni? rasa macam tak percaya.. Kalau betul sabar ye lyana dgn dugaan Allah s.w.t. sedih mendengarnya, nasib umat se islam. Redha dan takziah =(
Salam strong dear.. Allah knows better.. Take care!
Innalillah,bwk brsabar n stay strong je komen ur last entry last wik.xpe,Allah knows the best.tke care n stay healthy!
i PUN BARU KEGUGURAN DEAR..:) KAWIN BARU SEBULAN THEN DAPAT tahu happy am i that Allah lebih mengetahui..after 2 month, the day after I buat buku merah..I miscarriaged..sad, tp redha..:)Moga ada rezeki yang lebih baik after this..Selamat berpantang...
sis kuat yer..setiap yang berlaku pasti ade hikmahnya..senyum selalu ;)
sabar ye akak
Salam Lyana,
Sedih baca berita yg Lyana sampaikann
xpe bersabar ye LYana..
Setiap yang berlaku ade hikmahnya..
Be strong Dear.
Sabar ye LYana..
sabar ye dik...xtau nk komen cmna sbb tgh preggy..takut gak
Salam takziah....TC yer
ya ALLAH kak lyana..sabar ye sis..moga sis kuat hadapi dugaan ni...insyALLAH ada kemanisan utk sis yg ditentukan Allah swt nanti...
Sabar ye kak. Allah sentiasa bersama akak. Take care
takziah awak :(
takziah...semoga Allah menggantikan dengan yg lebih baik..aminnn
semoga tabah kak lyana ;')
sedih baca entry awak...semoga tabah menghadapi dugaan...
Semoga Lyana tabah dan sabar mengharungi dugaan
semoga kak lyana n abg muzakkir terus sabar n redha. n always remember that Allah knows everything what's the best for us. so, keep strong and patiently wait for the next baby :)
sabar ye dear..semoga sentiase kuat menghadapi dugaanNya..insyaallah ade hikmah yg lebih baik di sebalik dugaan tu..
Salam...saya baca pun nak menitis air mata...kuatkan semangat...semoga Allah memberkati hidup Liyana dan keluarga...Aminn..
sis strong ok..everything happened for a reason.. Allah lebih mengetahui..jg dr elok2...insyaAllah rezeki akan dtg jua bl sampai masanya nt.. =))
Slm sis...I think we just know...I'm just wanna say patient...past ada hikmah disebaliknya..doa bnyk kpd Allah S.W.T.
Slm sis...I think we just know....I just wanna say that be patient..doa bnyk2 kpd Allah S.W.T..